Company Profile
Our company name is derived from a port,Settsu,where people envisaging dream of advancing into the Asian Continent and further into the world sailed out in the far ancient days.
It's nearly a half-century since we sailed out into the unknown sea called "electronics industry "under the company name with the pioneer spirit.
In fact, we enjoyed successful development along with progress of electronics in Japan.
Our performance obtained from continuous pursuit for ideal environments to man and hardware is meeting every- increasing demands with high reputation in this advanced information-oriented society today as well as relevant know-how.
In industries related with IT(information Technology) expected to be further globalized hereafter,we will also lead the industries with required services given promptly.
The future ideal connecting man to electronics lies with Settsu Metal Industrial Co.,Ltd.,having the pride and self-confidence as the pioneer.
Our Contact
Please feel free to contact us anytime, for catalog and other documents to help you understanding us.
Settsu Metal Industrial Co.,Ltd.
31-11, Uchikoshi-chou, Kadomacity, Osaka 571-0029, JAPAN
Tel: 81-72-800-4313
Fax: 81-72-800-4315
Head Office
4-1-26, YagumoNishi-machi, Moriguchicity, Osaka 570-0006, JAPAN
Tokyo Sales Office
6-5-14, Higashiueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0015, JAPAN
Osaka Sales Office
4-1-26, YagumoNishi-machi, Moriguchicity, Osaka 570-0006, JAPAN